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We’ll All Go Out To Meet Her When She Comes


We’ll All Go Out To Meet Her When She Comes

(Even If We’re Just Dancin’ in the Dark? Part Two)


(‘Chapada dos Guimarães July 2012)

She’ll be driving six white horses, When She Comes
We’ll all go out to meet her, When She Comes…
She’ll take us to the Portals, When She Comes
From the Song ‘When The Chariot Comes

This is the second part of a two-part article and also part of a series of many. Please click here for part one.

The Story Continues!

The first thing I did on the morning after the first ceremony was ask the host of the group and ceremony if he would mind changing over the one winged Hummingbird for the two winged version. Again The Hummingbird(s) were located where the Caiman head had been in line with the very apt bird table. Although the situation only involved a solar powered garden ornament I still felt like the hummingbird had been healed or given new wings.

I suppose the situation looked silly to everyone, and I’m sure you may feel the same way, but it didn’t feel silly at the time and I assure you I know it wasn’t silly.  I felt under direction to ask the host to carry out such an act. I’m sure it would have been far easier for me to simply change the plastic birds over without anyone even batting an eyelid or even noticing. But again, I’d had the strong urge to ask the host to carry out the act and once it was done I instantly forgot about it.

Anyway, just like we always do during a week of Ayahuasca ceremonies, we decided to have a trip or two out around the area. It is nice to ease the nerves that surround the Ayahuasca ceremonies and even though we were in fantastic accommodation it was nice just to get out and about and see a bit of area.

We went into Chapada Town a couple of times and the Winter Festival was on again and it was absolutely packed out with people etc. We went into town on a mission. We went to get the Shaman’s wife, Margarita, a little birthday present. We were looking through the very expensive and cluttered tourist shops in Chapada for something suitable.

I was blindly wandering around in one shop, not having a clue what to suggest buying when I noticed a large display stand full of novelty souvenirs. I noticed that about fifty ‘wooden’ bottle openers had all been stacked together in a very impressive and tidy pile. I noticed one of them in the middle had fallen over, spoiling the presentation, so for some reason I tried to stand it back up in the centre of the display.

I soon wished I hadn’t because as soon as I got hold of it I knocked another bottle opener over and in turn created a domino effect and knocked some of the others over too, until all of them fell over, some crashing to the floor as I tried to stop the landslide. I caused such a clattering of noise, so much so that the rest of the group, the young female shop assistant, and other customers came running over to see what was all the commotion was about.

I was left totally red faced as I ended up still clutching the bottle opener, I had tried to straighten, in my right hand whilst still trying to sort out all the other ‘bottle openers’ I had knocked over. Here is one of the bottle openers to show you why I was so red faced.


The bottle opener that left me red faced!

The bottle openers were all big wooden willies. I’d knocked the lot over like skittles. I couldn’t wait to get out of that shop I can tell you! We did eventually choose a present for Margarita and no it wasn’t a bottle opener! God knows what the Shaman would have put in our Ayahuasca if we had got her a Chapada bottle opener. We did eventually sort out a gift but I did give Margarita a little present through myself though. It was a pendant and it showed this image….


The time for the Second Ceremony was approaching very quickly, the week was flying by, but by this stage the group had acclimatised and totally settled down.

The environment and atmosphere was now totally different to normal life in the UK. I have said before, it’s like entering a different world through different stages. Initially you literally go from normal everyday life into like a halfway house sort of place, in this case it is a very isolated place very close to Chapada dos Guimarães National Park.

After arriving in this halfway house you simply start to raise your concentration levels which helps prepare you for the Ayahuasca experience. Then you drink Ayahuasca and you literally experience another state of consciousness. It is literally like approaching and then entering another form of consciousness in stages.

The Second Ceremony….

The second ceremony was upon us. I remember bringing the scarf to the ceremony, the cat’s tail I had tied the to the stick, I gave the stick to the host.  I got the urge before the ceremony even took place to dance around the room and ‘swish’ the scarf around like it was a cat’s tail again. I don’t know what came over me then but I suddenly threw the bugger on the fire.  I have no idea why because I actually liked the scarf. It was like something had taken over me and I was dancing around and swishing it about under guidance. Next news, I saw it burst into flames. The silk scarf was smoke within seconds.

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The artwork was still placed on the mantelpiece.

We went through all the pre-ceremony rituals that you should even know well yourself by now. The Shaman went through his usual warm up routine and we started to queue up for the medicine again. We went up to the Shaman one by one, all of us using the same tiny wooden cup to put the medicine in us. Even the Shaman’s children had a very small amount from a spoon too.

I drank the Ayahuasca down. (It still tasted like absolute shite!)  I went outside (Through the main entrance to the house) soon after taking the Ayahuasca. I only did this to wait for the affects to begin. Again I went through some kind of warm up routine outside, like I was preparing to enter a sports contest. I was shaking my arms and legs down etc, shadow boxing and such like. In reality I wasn’t fit enough to win a tiddly-winks contest but here I was warming up like I was the number one contender to fight for a world title.

I had also (previously) moved the Magic Tree as I called it into that main outside area too. DSCF2810

The place where I warmed up

The powerful medicine seemed to affect me very quickly.

Again, I always use the sky to show me when the Ayahuasca was opening me up, but this time I used the Magic Tree,  (solar powered garden ornament) as a guide to see when it was time to hit the mattress.

I looked at the magic tree, and even though it was not running on full power I immediately started to see faces appearing in it.

Then an image of the Face, the one I usually see in my journeys, appeared in the tree too. I knew then that I’d better get on my mattress and face whatever was coming to me! The shaman’s music had started up.


Faces appeared in the Magic Tree

I was led on my back trying to get comfortable and opening and shutting my eyes. I decided to shut my eyes. I soon started to see a bright red tunnel. It looked like flowing river or canal. It was running red like lava flowing from a volcano. I appeared to be floating towards it. I didn’t feel comfortable at all. So I opened my eyes. The room had changed shape again.

I noticed straight away that the artwork on the mantelpiece (the lady) over the fire had grown massively in size and the figure appeared to literally throbbing to the beat of the shaman’s music. The picture had literally come to life again.

The figure in the picture was moving her arms and legs, opening and shutting them, in unison again.  It appeared like ‘She’ was using her enormous hands again, but this time it was to ‘draw in’ the fire that was below her in her direction. . She seemed to be drawing the fire up between her legs with her hands and was then opening her legs further as the fire approached.

It soon appeared that the flames from the fire were literally entering her Tutt (her vagina). I tried to lose this image from my mind because I felt a little apprehensive about it. Well who wouldn’t?

I had learnt many times how to ‘lose’ a vision I did not want to see. I did this by rapidly opening and shutting my eyes or keeping my eyes shut for a few minutes. Sometimes I focused on something else. I suppose symbolically it was like I was sticking my head in the sand or putting blinkers on myself.

I performed all my tried and tested methods to run away from my vision, but each time I opened my eyes I saw the same exact image and each time I tried to look at something else, the something else showed me the same thing. I started to feel uncomfortable again with the images I was seeing but didn’t know why.

I shut my eyes again hoping this fire in the vagina image would go away.  But when I opened my eyes again it was not only still there, it was far more graphic than ever. I tried again to keep my eyes permanently shut but I felt so uncomfortable that I just had to open them. I even tried looking at other objects in the room again in the hope I’d be distracted away from the vision, but it didn’t work. I knew I was meant to watch this act. It was important that I did.

Again the woman figure seemed to pulsate like a living breathing machine. The effects of this living machine pulsating made me stare at the ‘vaginal area’, which was now also pulsating. I suddenly stopped feeling uncomfortable and the images I was seeing started to look more erotic and my body was reacting to it. The images were turning me on! I thought Bloody hell I am getting the hots for a piece of abstract art. I know it sounds daft but that’s how it was.

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 I was getting the hots for a piece of abstract art

The music of the shaman only added to this strange feeling. And the hands in the artwork were literally egging me on.

I though, bloody hell, I’m now in my mid fifties and the only thing that turns me on now is some abstract artwork showing an entity that entices flames into her naughty bits. I thought, “What is this bloody picture called… “Singed Minge”

I shut my eyes again and luckily on reopening them the artwork had shrunk to its normal size and thankfully so had I. (I have experienced symbols and artwork increasing in size before under Ayahuasca)

I decided to try and have a walk outside and get some air and try to regain my focus on things. But the only thing that I could look at outside was the now brightly illuminated magic tree. I stood there staring at it for a moment and it was now was displaying the exact same images, albeit on a smaller scale. The same arms and hands appeared within the changing colours of the tree. It was like the images were enticing me again.

I went back inside and lay ‘face down’ on my mattress and shut my eyes. I was determined to lose this vision.

I just saw loads of coloured dots swirling around. It was just like watching a shoal of fish swimming around. I was happy watching this scene. All the dots seemed to be moving in some sort of stream. The dots were all swaying around and making fantastic shapes and patterns. They were all graceful like. I started to feel sleepy and totally relaxed.

I was entranced with the shapes and I heard some soothing music too. I felt like a baby led under a musical mobile in a nursery.

It was so relaxing. I felt like I was falling asleep.

Then all of a sudden the dots changed shape rapidly. They started moving with more intensity too. I could see the dots were forming a very similar shape to the flowing red river or lava flow I saw in the beginning of the journey.

Then the red flow of colour changed into the same shape as the artwork on the fire. First of all the familiar arms and hands appeared and then the legs and vagina area followed.

It was clear and I knew that ‘Singed Minge’ was indeed coming back to me and this time I had my eyes wide ‘shut’.  The graphics of the artwork appeared so clear in my vision and again the image appeared to come to life and breath. Maybe I should say, “She came to life and she breathed”

The whole vision became surreal and I literally felt like I was floating and the image was floating too. I realised I was simply physically face down on a mattress and hallucinating on a five sense but I also realised that my soul or sprit was actually experiencing what I was seeing too. But I tell you my soul was experiencing the event as clear as day.

Again I literally existed in two worlds at the same time. I was crashed out on a mattress in one world but it was the scene created through the Ayahuasca that now had my entire attention and it was that world that had my heart.

I thought I was being hypnotically enticed. I felt I was being seduced.

The imagery I was seeing with my eyes shut appeared far more graphic than looking at the artwork with my eyes open.

I suppose the best way of describing it is to say that I was intermittently seeing the artwork as a proper attractive painted lady. She looked something like the one in the picture below but she was painted the same colours in the artwork not the colours in the picture.


The image intermittently changed into something like this

One minute I was seeing a real painted lady the next I was seeing the artwork. They were intermingling. The entire vision had become far more vivid and the colours on the wrists, hands and fingers were very hypnotic and pulsating away. Indeed each fingertip was changing colour as it pulsated. I was totally entranced.

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The hands and arms then literally pulled me in and they were acting like some kind of suction device. Indeed as the arms expanded and retracted it reminded me of one of those old fashion fire stokers that made fires burn quicker.

Yes the image appeared to be performing like a fire stoking wind box sort of thing would, and as we would expand and retract the handles on a fire stoker to blow air and stoke the fire, so were the hands on this image sucking me in by retracting and expanding too. Can you understand what I mean?

The image was doing the same thing to me as a fire stoker would do but in reverse. I was literally being ‘sucked’ into the vaginal area of the image so to speak… not ‘blown’ into it. It was a very intense experience. Again I was intermittently shown a very living and breathing attractive painted lady mingled in with the artwork.

I was looking at the vaginal area of the woman and I was really being drawn in. Even though I had initially resisted this vision I had now literally lost all will to resist it any longer. The image was floating and I was floating too. The woman was still opening and closing her arms and legs and I was transfixed.

It was like I had been connected to a powerful magnetic field and all my senses were being tickled just so I would not resist the attraction. I seemed to be on collision course with this mysterious strange image of a woman and the image became more and more lifelike and the more I floated towards the woman the larger she became.

Again I was hypnotised with the colours pulsating on her hands and on parts of her legs. She grew more and more in size and I shrunk and shrunk in size as I floated closer and closer to her.  I then caught sight of her vagina. It was shining bright like a lantern in a dark hole!

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As I floated closer the legs on the image widened and pulsated and the ‘vagina’ then literally opened up just like it does when giving birth. It got wider and wider, it turned into something like a massive tunnel. I could actually see a bright light and a vague image of a door in the distance.

It is hard to explain these experiences!

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I was still floating through the air, I seemed to be being slowly spun around onto my back, like a pig on a spit. I was totally in sync with whatever was causing such a vision and experience.  I could feel a sort vibrating and pulsating. It felt good and natural.

I then felt my body go numb and I pushed my head back hard and pushed again, just like I would when attempting to do a backward somersault under water. I gritted my teeth as I pushed and I felt some sort of pressure on the back of my neck. I knew I had entered the woman. I had entered the image.

I then felt my head turn very warm as I started to travel backwards. It felt like I was swimming backwards but I was not using my arms or my legs. I had my arms down by my side. I was in some kind of slipstream and in more ways than one! I felt like I was in water but I felt dry. I was breathing.

I could hear something thumping, it sounded like the beat of a drum. I seemed to start counting the drum beats and I could feel a massive tremor.  I thought of being inside a body and only moving up the tunnel to the beat of a massive heart.

I was still moving and I seemed to be speeding up. I tilted my head back so I could see ahead so to speak (I was still on my back) and I could see ‘the door’ I thought I could see in the distance earlier.

As I approached this door I seemed to slow right down. I then appeared to go through this door somehow and I felt myself stop dead. I then seemed to float downward and I came to a stop. I was on my back. I was on a tabletop or some sort of slab.

I noticed I was in a very dimly lit room and the only source of light seemed to be coming from a little hole in the wall. This light seemed to illuminate two long benches. The benches housed several rows of funny shaped ‘jars’ or little ‘pots’.  The light in the hole in the wall made the pots appear slightly transparent. The pots were not glass but still looked very fragile. They were a pinky/red colour.

I was still lying down on my back. I couldn’t move off the table though. I felt like my body had now somehow been strapped to it but I could still move my head. I looked down and saw I was in the nude!

I started looking at the jars/pots more closely for some reason.  I could see strange shadows in some of them and in others I could see a water mark level. On first glance some of them looked like they had a large worm or a small snake squirming about in them. The worms appeared to be in water.

My eyes were transfixed on the pots and the more I looked at them I noticed the ‘worms’ suddenly started to grow and as they did they squirmed around more and more. They very quickly seemed to outgrow the pots they were in. The ‘heads’, if there is such a thing, of the worms started to bob up and down in and out of the top of the pots as they wrestled with themselves in the space inside their pots became increasingly more limited. Water was spilling out of the pots too. I then realised that the pots were actually heart shaped.

I focused on the movement of the worms and the more they moved and the more popped up in the pot the more I soon realised that they were not worms at all. They were ‘tongues’. Yes they were ‘tongues’ and they were now literally wagging away in their pots, and as they did so they were forcing the water or some other liquid to splash over the top of the pots.

I only recognised the worms as being actual tongues because my Grandma used to take me to a butchers shop as a child. This butcher always had a large cured up tongue in the cold meat display cabinet (It looked large to me as a child)

My Grandma always bought a quarter pound of tongue for Granddad every Tuesday. Seeing the tongue always repulsed me and it terrified me just to look at a Tongue on display but it repulsed me and terrified me even more to see the butcher slice it up with a sharp knife. I never understood why a tongue was for sale or why anyone would willingly buy it. It really gave me the heebies.


The butchers tongue always repulsed me.


I continued to look at the pots and realised that all the tongues were actually trying to lap the liquid in the pots up.  The tongues lapped and squirmed and lapped some more, and when the pots appeared to be ‘lapped empty’ the pots actually changed colour from pinky red to blue. Once the vessels turned blue I could no longer see through them.

But that didn’t matter because all the tongues literally started climbing out of their now dry pots on their own. They appeared to march out of their pots and in exact unison with each other. They moved as a slug or snail would move, arching up and down, only much faster than a snail would.

Suddenly all the tongues all lined up in front of their pots and started dancing on the shelves. (I kid you not!) The tongues appeared to stand up, just like we do. The tips of the tongues acted as the head part of an entity and the bottom end of the tongues, the severed end, acted as the legs part of an entity, so to speak.

It was quite entertaining to watch and it turned into something like a bloody Broadway musical at one stage.  Instead of ‘Cats’ it was ‘Tongues’. The tongues continued to dance around in unison in front of their pots.

Then the light went out!

It was completely dark, but I could still actually slightly hear the tongues dancing on the shelves. I knew they were still there.

Then one of the tongues was somehow set on fire. I don’t know how, but the affect was similar to someone lighting a match in a dark cellar. The tongue being set on fire initially blinded me and created a very bright light in the room. This burning tongue then danced along the bench and bumped into the other tongues on either side of it. This created something like a domino affect until all the other tongues were set on fire too on both benches. Everything was very bright and I couldn’t help notice that once all the tongues were all ablaze the pots changed colour from blue to luminous green.

Most of the tongues then appeared to topple off the benches onto the floor and some of them literally turned into fire torches (lamps), which illuminated all the room again.

I tilted my head back and looked behind me so to speak.  I saw two tongues dancing and wrestling with each other. They started to swing each other around like ice skaters would if you know what I mean.

One tongue then seemed to really spin the other tongue around and then let go it. The now flying tongue then hit the wall that was behind my head and it explosively hit a shield or painting on the wall. The painting was the same image as the Dog spitting out the Atl Tlachinolli symbol.


The Atl Talachinolli symbol appeared again

The painting then slowly set alight this caused a kind of a fireplace to instantly form in the wall or at least ignite a fire in a previously unseen ‘hole’ that was already there.

The shield could have been some kind of fire screen. It just burnt away in a second. (It reminded of the opening credits on the old Bonanza TV show burning the map.)  Whatever it was the tongue removed the shield or painting and started a fire.

This new fire seemed to spark all sorts of things off and I could now see three statues in three different corners of the room. I seemed to recognise one of the faces on one statue, but not the other two. I was trying my best to recognise the person in the statue. I also noticed all the pots on the benches were now a bright yellow colour, they were no longer heart shaped either, they were now shaped liked little classic tombstones.  They were ‘Arch’-shape if you like.

I then saw a male Indian type figure come walking towards me. The ‘Indian’ was wearing a silly hat and just staring in my direction like he was going to do something.  Part of his face looked familiar just like the statue. He was dancing around like a drunk on a dance floor waving his arms around and chanting things.

I tried to sit up so I could see more but I couldn’t. I was somehow strapped down. It was like my arse was stuck to the seat.  It was like my body was dead.

I was completely lost in this vision. It was entirely real to me. I was now literally living it as a five-sense reality. The Indian was waving a stick around and chanting something. Then two other figures appeared but they were quiet. I realise these figures looked exactly like two of the statues from the three corners of the room. One was carrying a large rock like you would carry a heavy shot in a shot putt contest and the other was carrying a large axe. It was perched on his shoulder.

The Indian that had been dancing around and chanted pointed his stick at me and as he did the figure carrying the rock threw it at me, again like you would a shot for shot putt. I felt a bit concerned. (I was bloody scared in fact)

But the rock didn’t come towards me at speed. It came towards me like it was in slow motion replay mode, spinning slowly through the air.  I couldn’t move out of the way so I just tensed up my body up and shut my eyes, more because of fear than anything else and I waited for the pain to hit me. I then felt a small nudge on my chest and opened my eyes. The rock had obviously hit me but it simply broke in half, it literally bounced off me and one half fell to the floor and the other half crashed onto one of the benches that housed the pots that the tongues were once in. The rock then crashed into the pots and smashed most if not all of them to pieces.

The dancing Indian pointed his stick at me again and the other figure carrying the axe went to chop me in the groin area with it, and again I simply couldn’t move. I just tensed my body again and shut my eyes in fear again.  But just as it was when the rock hit me I only felt a little nudge and the axe head broke in half as it hit my body.

I felt like Captain Scarlet

Half of the axe head fell to the floor but the other half of the axe head landed on the other bench and it smashed onto the other bench and then smashed most if not all of the pots on it.

I looked at the Indian and he bowed his head and grinned at me. He then raised his stick and as he did so the table I was on did a complete u-turn. Then, one at a time, all three figures walked towards a statue and disappeared. It was just like they lived in the statue and had somehow gone home.

I was now looking into the fire that had appeared through the spinning tongue burning through the shield

I was looking at the flames in the fireplace from a feet first position so to speak. I could now see that a large image of the lady (artwork) had appeared over the fire. It was just like it was placed over the real fire in the ceremonial room.  I stared at the image again.

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I was attracted to the hands

This time I was strongly attracted to the hands because the colours on them were pulsating. I then saw the flames in the fire were starting to look like they were fading. It was like they were being spit on or something or something was hitting them.

I looked at the image above the fire and the hands had moved outward into like a begging position or a rain check position.

The fire started to look like it was being hit with raindrops, slowly at first, but then the raindrops started to get heavy. Then water started to pour onto the fire, totally extinguishing it, and then it started to seep into the room.

A small stream then turned into a big gush and the room started to fill up with water.

I was still strapped down on a table or slab. The water level in the room started to rise. I started to panic. Then all of a sudden the table or slab I was on started to move around by the force of the water. It was floating and whatever my arse was stuck to literally acted like a boat.  I noticed the statues were starting to float too. They were like logs in a river, rolling and spinning.

I started moving upwards again. I was still completely stuck to the table. I seemed to go through the same door that I’d initially entered the room through and then I found myself in the same tunnel scenario that I had experienced before entering the room of tongues.

I was then suddenly flowing down a tunnel again, but this time it was like a fast flowing river and because I was strapped to the table/slab. It was literally like being on a canoe going down swift rapids. I was literally bumping my way down this tunnel, but the table/slab seemed to steady me and protect me. It was actually helping me.

The statues were flowing down this tunnel with me too and all the pieces of the broken tombstone shaped pots were being carried along with the flow too.

I saw all the tongues too but they were now all black and burnt. They looked liked black fish.

It felt chaotic and it felt like I was going to crash but all of a sudden whoosh I saw a flash of light and then I felt the cold hit the back of my head. I immediately snapped out of trance with a jolt.

I didn’t know where I was for a minute or two. The jolt feeling was similar to the usual falling off a cliff feeling many folks get in dreams. I felt a little sick, my legs and arms were totally numb. I couldn’t bloody move. I was paralysed for at least a minute. I just lay there trying to understand what I had just seen. I tried to understand the symbolism behind it.

I knew the experience meant something very important but its intensity and strangeness had literally engulfed me and totally exhausted me. I pondered on the pots and the tongues for a moment. I tried to work out the meaning of the statues and the rock and the axe head, but for some reason I wasn’t allowed to ponder on the vision for very long.

I opened my eyes.  I could now see the room had changed again. I could see that the very large windows/ glass doors in room were somehow being illuminated.  I don’t know how the glass was illuminated because the room was quite dark apart from the light from the fire.

I could see strange shapes appearing. They seemed to resemble dark hooded figures. These figures appeared to be moving around very swiftly outside on the wooden veranda and as they did so they occasionally swiftly approached the window forcing their faces onto the glass, as if peering in, so to speak. It was like they were trying to enter the room. Although the faces didn’t really look like faces under their hoods you could still tell they were faces. There seemed to be dozens of them.

I also looked at the window where the bird table was and where I placed the makeshift cat’s tail whip just two nights previous. I could see the same sort of hooded figures moving rapidly about outside on the stone veranda too and again they were intermittently approaching the window and pressing their undistinguished ghostly ‘faces’ against the glass.

It looked quite spooky but it also looked bloody laughable. I could sense that these dark hooded figures were just that… they were dark hooded faces.

I stared at the windows and the amount of hooded figures seemed to increase there seemed to be hundreds of them, bumping into each other and snapping and snarling at each other.

Then the host of the ceremonies, who was lying on the mattress beside me, suddenly got off his bed and he approached the fire, in which of course I had burnt my ‘scarf’ prior to the ceremony actually taking place. I noticed he was carrying the stick I had given him previously too. He seemed to point the stick at the fire.

Under Ayahuasca people can do things in total trance or in a semi-aware state of consciousness. Sometimes they just do things without having the slightest clue why they did it.

I know it sounds daft but he pointed the stick at the fire and when he did I saw a line of sparks hit the end of his stick, creating another whip like object. I’m sure the host of ceremonies couldn’t see this line of sparks but I could. It was like a whip of fire and when it moved rapidly I could see it resembled the cat’s tail whip I had experienced in the previous journey.

I looked through the windows again and I could see the hooded figures were moving around more rapidly now. The hooded figures appeared more aggressive and agitated.

I looked at the host again. He was now waving the stick around and the line of sparks, the ‘spotted’ cat’s tail, was quite bright. He seemed to point it at both sets of windows/glass doors, those windows that led out to the stone veranda where the bird table was and those windows that led out to the wooden veranda where the wooden veranda was. Here is a daylight picture taken from outside showing the stone veranda (Bird Table area) to the right and the wooden veranda to the left.


The place the ceremonies took place from the outside.

Anyway, the more the host swung his whip the more agitated the hooded figures appeared to become.  Their faces seemed to really smash into the windows more and more, but they simply couldn’t enter the house.

The host then appeared to totally spin around pointing the stick in all directions of the room and as soon as he did so I could see what appeared to be a large ‘cat’ appear outside where the hooded figures were (reflected in the windows). This cat was stood on its hind legs! It was like something from Cat’s the Musical or the Lion in Wizard of Oz.

It seemed to march up and down on the veranda and when it did so all the hooded figures simply disappeared. It was like I was watching a show of shadows.

I stared at the reflections in the windows in utter wonderment. I then saw that the cat wasn’t even a cat. It was a man dressed as a cat. The man dressed as a cat then approached the window and seemed to raise his arm in salute. I realise the host couldn’t see this man dressed as a cat, because of his posture, but he still appeared to blindly raise his stick in acknowledgement of it anyway, it was just as though some invisible force had raised it for him. The reflections in the window simply disappeared.

The whole vision seemed so real. The hooded figures with undistinguished faces seemed so real and the appearance of a cat on its hind legs, albeit looking like a man in a cat skin, seemed so real too.

The stick and the cat skin scarf had been real before the ceremony even started. I had taken them to Brazil before the ceremony began, just like I had taken my tooth in 2011. (See Hummingbird Has Landed)

I was amazed again over how five sense physical things were increasingly interacting with the Ayahuasca journey’s themselves. It’s clear to me, and had been for a while, that the interaction was not coincidence and its clear I couldn’t make them up in advance. I’m sure even I could not ‘make a big cat appear on the veranda’ to scare away dark figures simply by taking a spotted scarf and a stick to Chapada, and I’m sure the host wouldn’t believe he did either. But I saw him do it! Only magicians like ‘Harry Potter’ or Siegfried & Roy could do such a thing like that in this world anyway eh?

I started to feel sleepy because I felt so relaxed on my mattress.  Then I heard a little trickling of water coming from outside, it was coming from the small ornamental pond where the ornamental magic tree was now located (Pictured Earlier). It sounded so comforting. Everything was quiet. Everything was still.  I’d had enough of visions for one night. I’d had enough of Ayahuasca for one night. I felt exhausted. I just wanted the night to end or at least see the healing Rain Bow Rods appear again and feel them.

I was suddenly full of self-pity and found myself pondering on my broken life, but luckily not for too long because the Shaman started playing some music again which made me smile. For some reason, I connected part of one of the tunes he was singing to the chorus of the very old ‘she’ll be coming round the mountain’ song. I don’t know why because the tune barely sounded like it, but Warinei’s tunes always had a habit of sparking triggers off in me and sometimes he made memories surface about other songs in me that I hadn’t heard for years.  I was suddenly full of the ‘She’ll be coming round the mountain song”

It should be noted, by those that didn’t know already, that the She’ll coming round the mountain song is not just about the children’s version, the ‘Singing Aye Aye Yippy’ song, we are now all programmed with. It is actually linked to a very ambiguous ‘old spiritual’ song “When the Chariot Comes”, which was said to refer to Jesus’ chariot at the rapture. (No I’m not religious nor promoting any religion!) The ‘She’ is said to refer to the chariot, you know just as we call ships and cars and other things ‘she’.

I started to think of The Rain as the ‘She’ in the song. I saw the Rain as an entity and the song was lifting me. I started thinking of the Fire Line and the Water Line uniting. The song took on far greater significance then.  The tune was stuck in my head for quite a while but it took on an Indian angle.  I can’t explain why I felt so lifted by the simple song but I did. I found this link that also adds a bit of an Indian edge to the ambiguous lyrics. Please click on it because it may help you empathise with how I felt at the time with the atmosphere. listen to them on the link.

The tune inside me triggered some very rapid powerful visions in me and empowered me. The Rain was She and She was the Rain. She’ll be coming round the bloody mountain I thought! I knew in my heart that when she does come around the mountain some folks better run, but some folks better pack their bags because they are going home. For some reason I felt elated hippy style.

I closed my eyes and within seconds I saw the Face. It was just there, no swirling colours involved at all. The Face just appeared.

My imaginary friend had appeared without a warm up routine but he immediately went into singing/comedy mode. I was soon brought out of my state of hippy-fied elation because he started Singing ‘High High Hippy’ – ‘Hippy High?’  Singing ‘High High Hippy’ – ‘Hippy High?’

I immediately got the ambiguity and laughed. Maybe I was High but I was no Hippy. The Face definitely didn’t need a warm up routine because he changed the lyrics and started singing You Can Stick Ayahuasca Up Your Arse in the same tune, Adding ‘High High Hippy Hippy High. Bloody Hell I found myself joining in with him. I couldn’t help it. So come on folks all together now…

You Can Stick Ayahuasca…  Up Your Arse.
You Can Stick Ayahuasca… Up Your Arse
Oh You Can Stick Ayahuasca – Stick the Ayahuasca
Stick Ayahuasca… Up Your Arse
Singing‘High High Hippy’ - ‘Hippy High’
Singing ‘High High Hippy’ – ‘Hippy High’
Singing ‘High High Hippy’  – ‘High High Hippy’
‘High High Hippy’ – ‘Hippy High’

I then imagined Neil Young and Crazy Horse singing that verse and chorus.  But before you misunderstand me, or more importantly misunderstand the Face, as any two faced faker reading this story will do, I’ll say it is absolutely true.  You really really can stick Ayahuasca up your arse.

Usually with something like this…


I’m sure the boys at Red Arse Radio know about this sort of thing.

The ancient Aztecs/Mayans etc. did stick many kinds of hallucinogens and drink up their arse on a regular basis, including Auahuasca. Sticking it up their backside actually helped them keep the medicine down and therefore also saved them from the trauma of purging in most cases.  They stuck it up their anal passage to stop it going into their stomach and it got into their veins quicker and easier. Here is a “You Can Stick Ayahuasca Up Your Arse” scene. You will see it shows a warrior taking an enema. It shows the warrior having visions of flying reptilian deities and the Atl Tlachinolli symbol is shown coming out of his mouth.


Enema? Yes but they still experienced the same journeys I experienced today

Anyway, lets get back on track.

The Face had actually brought me down to Earth again with his singing and comments, and he did it far quicker than any one in this dimension could have. Yet I was still seeing him in vision.

The Face quickly reminded me of the remaining apparatus I had brought with me and immediately reminded me what I had to do with it. I had indeed previously set up part of the apparatus in the grounds near to where the Caiman Head had once been. I had completely forgot about it because of the intense visions and I really needed the reminder.

I was to set up four ornamental hummingbirds ‘in a line’ at the ‘end of the line’. I knew the four plastic birds were in my coat pockets in the bedroom. The same coat I wore in Bahia in 2007. The birds were to be placed on four separate poles but the poles they were all linked to the same solar powered charger by a wire.

I was also told that the original hummingbird was now fully functional. Its wings were empowered because of rituals in the first ceremony and that’s why the new single two-winged hummingbird had to be been placed in that area. The host had to place it there, with his own hands, because of events that will unfold in the same area in the future, when the time was right.

The Face then told me that the four connected ornamental ‘hummingbirds’ represented four symbolic warriors and the Air, Water, Earth and Fire.  He added, “You will know when to switch them on”

The Face reminded me that help from the universe can only manifest on a five sense level in this world when certain events take place that allow it to do. I was reminded that the rituals were are/ always done to manifest physical events in the future.

The face told me that The Rain Bow Gate would now act as both a marker, for movement of the stars, and a link to Brazil energy lines. He added that one day a certain pattern will appear under it ‘when the stars fall’ and the Gate itself was only created through the artist, it was not created by the artist. Here are a couple of pictures that I took shortly after two members of the Aya crew truly officially opened the gate.



 The Rain Bow Gate

The face reminded me that there are many many ways in which the right apparatus can be provided and supplied. I was told never to forget this. I was told the apparatus and the actions that surround them may seem silly most of the time, if not all of the time, but everything connected to the events is very important and very necessary. Everything!

The Face went on to tell me that the relevant area around the house and around the spot where the Caiman Head, ornamental tree and hummingbird had been placed respectively (On the Energy Line) has been ‘cleared’ and ‘cleaned’ and ‘purified’ and the area was protected from any disturbance from dark hooded figures. “It had to be so before the hummingbirds are illuminated”. “A pure space will be created for the official act of an official connection between the five sense ritual (Earth) and spirit (Universe) to take place” ‘The rituals will then eventually allow the forces, which have been sent by the universe, to help those with true hearts in this world to receive the help they need”

I was then given the same message as I was given in the previous ceremony. I repeat it. Please take it as you will. I’m only delivering it today.

 The Fire will unite with The Rain and return to Earth and make the prophecy from The Earth come true” “Then the ears of man will burn and the ashes of the deaf will be washed away by the Rain”

 I was told that this event would be easier to understand, by those that will need to understand it, after it takes place.

I was reminded that the house was still being worked on to create the apparatus needed for future events to unfold. The Face then told me it was time for him to go. He smiled and was gone.

I lay still for about ten minutes and the memories of the visions I’d had came back to me. I looked around the room and apart from the host everyone was on his or her mattresses. I felt I was coming out of trance and I needed something in my stomach. (You cannot eat or drink for many hours before the ceremony and you simply couldn’t swallow anything after taking Ayahuasca for several hours. All in all you have nothing for about 12 hours.)

I started to feel a strong urge for a choccy biscuit or a Jaffa cake and something inside me told me it was time to collect the four ornamental hummingbirds and go and place them on their poles. I stood up and felt well. I went to the bedroom to get both the biscuits and the birds.

I collected them up and then headed for the door where I’d placed the magic tree, which was at the other side of the house to where the Caiman head had been and where the poles for the hummingbirds were (Pictured Earlier).  I saw the host of the ceremonies dancing around and pointing up in the air very excitedly. ‘Look Look Look’ he said. I looked up and saw this very colourful object flying through the air flashing with colours. Red, Blue, Green and yellow. I thought ‘what the **ck is that’. On first glance I thought it was a helicopter. I then watched it flying right in front of me about 30 feet up in the air. That’s no bloody helicopter I thought.

It was pitch dark but this thing was flashing colours very strong bright colours. They certainly weren’t helicopter lights. The host said it initially appeared from the far distance. We both stood there like two hallucinating lemons trying to work out what it was. I asked him what he could see.

He said, “It’s a Hummingbird” “A big Hummingbird”.  I stared again at it and it started to turn in the direction Caiman Head had once been and the Ornamental Hummingbird was now.  It was literally flying in-between the trees in very dense forest type area. Again it was not flying above the trees it was flying within them. There was a sound coming from it but it wasn’t the sound of proper Helicopter rotor blades, nor was it the sound of a silly tinny remote control toy either. Anyway this thing appeared far too big to be a remote control toy and again it sure didn’t sound like one. I’d also heard like a massive flapping sound literally like big wings would. I started laughing. I thought someone was really taking the piss somewhere.

I couldn’t see a pilot and if it was just some light show trickery there was no beams of flight showing the source.

It was so surreal yet so bloody real. I was just staring at it and so was the host. The host had the added experience of seeing it arrive. I hadn’t and it was simply there right in front of my eyes. I was stunned for a minute.

I kept it in my line of vision but once it had turned in direction, towards where I was going to place my four ornamental hummingbirds, it just seemed to disappear into where the trees are so dense. Whatever it was it was like it wanted to be seen and once those that had to see it had seen it, it disappeared very sharpish indeed. That fact applied no matter who put it in the air that night, be them a pilot, a hoaxer or a divine spirit. It disappeared leaving the host and I sounding like true and genuine shit faced hallucinating Ayahuasqueros to anyone we dared tell about it.

Anyway, surprisingly, as soon as the flying thing had disappeared it was as though I was put in trance again and I just had the very strong urge to place the four ornamental hummingbirds on their poles.  The host came to witness it. It was a very strange but also a very happy and important moment. I knew whatever the thing in the sky actually was, no matter who had created it, that it was a massive trigger to light up the four hummingbirds. So I did just that. I lit the buggers up and I felt happy to do so. I was glad.


Shortly after I had lit the Hummingbirds up suddenly remembered a graphic picture I had seen regarding the Rain Bow Gate from the past and I remembered the words of my trusted friend the Face regarding the Gate too. Maybe he was right about it acting as both a marker, for movement of the stars, and a link to Brazil energy lines. Maybe its just a heap of shit that was officially opened by a pair of lemon headed Ayahuasqueros that had nothing better to do. Only time will tell eh?


I knew it was the end of my journey for that night.

Mind you I was in slight shock for a quite a while after. Not only had the visions been rather strong I said to myself “Had a massive colourful Hummingbird really appeared?”  It was easier on the head to assume it was some kind of helicopter that just happened to appear just as I was about to put four ornamental Hummingbirds on poles.  But what can I really say about it?  I could say… “Oh by the way a ten foot long colourful Hummingbird appeared in the sky and then flew through the trees during an Ayahuasca ceremony, just as I was to plant four hummingbirds on an invisible energy line!” I’m sure the entire world would listen and then believe it eh?

I remember what the face has told me many times about apparatus being supplied.

I also remember what I said in 2011.

“I knew the spirit world had got what it wanted from the group and from me and I knew another part of my journey and the journey of others was a step nearer completion. I knew a vital ritual had been carried out so I really didn’t care if it was deemed a silly game created by jungle drugs or not. Whatever it was… it happened. Whatever it was it involved two dimensions at least. Whatever it was… will be seen by all one day”

What can I say to you further on this situation? I can only write down what happened in a straight honest way. I have done that to the best of my ability and my means.

Maybe I’m just seriously mentally ill and the stories are simply the insane ramblings stemming out from a very sick and very deluded mind. A sick mind that was soaked in Ayahuasca to boot. What a combination eh? If that is the case then I am totally unaware that I’m sick and deluded and I certainly receive no compassionate help from the authorities in this world in order to help cure me.

Maybe some of you believe what I say in my writings, especially those not associated with Ayahuasca? I’m sure I have told the truth in those writings and if I have told any single piece of truth in the writings about the world then I also tell the truth about the visions and experiences through Ayahuasca too.

Hey maybe there really are subliminal triggers hidden within the ambiguous Ayahuasca writings and these triggers will affect the subconscious of certain individuals and those triggers will help those individuals in the future?  I certainly believe that is the case even if we’re just dancing in the dark’ as the title to part one states.

You can define ‘Dark’ anyway you wish but this world is certainly ‘dark’ and human beings happily dance in it blindly. Well don’t you?

Some are seeing a tiny portion of its darkness these days but I believe the vast majority still dance in the dark whilst blissfully believing they don’t.

I started to see the entire human race was literally dancing in the dark, lost it its own sick ego to boot, and always has been in one way or another.  Maybe my perception of somehow gaining enlightenment, awareness and eyesight is just another illusion? Maybe I’m only really dancing in the dark too?

This world is certainly ‘dark’ and human beings happily dance in it blindly. Don’t you simply dance in the dark to any tune that gets you up dancing? Maybe the next question, if you can actually see that you do dance in the dark, would be to ask if you if you really would stop Dancing in the Dark if someone provided a fire to show you where you were really dancing? Would you use the light to see yourself dancing to something you couldn’t previously see, or would you simply piss on the fire and carry on dancing regardless?

I believe that symbolic fire is coming to this world and I’ll carry on believing that even if I am only Dancing in the Dark in doing so. I also believe that the symbolic energy lines will unite the Fire with Rain (Water) when the Rain arrives. And we will all go out to meet her when she comes, just as the song said.

And I believe we really will all bloody sing Hallelujah when she comes too, if only for the long wait.

We all shared some supper that night and laughed and joked about our experiences as we usually did. I went off to bed in good spirits and I was pondering on the visions and events for several hours. The one thing that hit me was I’d have never have been able to cope with the visions and other things unless I’d had the childhood I’d had or the other experiences I’d had throughout my life.

On the final day had a great final dinner and we all left for Airport in good spirits and feeling good. We thanked the generous host for providing such a priceless and important experience. We gave him a small token of appreciation, which was also connected to the Rain Bow Gate.

It was soon time to go home.

Unfortunately, in all the excitement and all the confusion showing, ornamental props, fires, bubbles, living birth giving artwork, a painted lady, hooded figures, magic whips, cat’s tails, wonkey bird watching towers, wooden cocks, crystal domes, feathers, shields, drums, bees, ants, beetles, masks, burning tongues, heart shaped and tombstone pots, statues, warriors, rocks, axes and obviously not forgetting burnt silk scarves and of course ten foot long hummingbirds I’d broken a vow I’d made

Yes in all that excitement I’d forgotten all about the Mad Dog driver that drove me from the airport to Chapada in the bloody first place. I’d forgotten all about my vow never to get into a car with them again.

I only remembered my vow when I was actually sat in the bloody Fiat with him again on the road to Cuiaba Airport.  It turned into one of the most terrifying journeys I’d ever been on, including a 100-yard screeching and rubber burning skid. Forget about terrifying Ayahuasca journeys or the terrifying possibility of a ten-foot hummingbird shitting on you.

The lift to the airport took the biscuit as far as fear was concerned.  But I promised myself never to break that vow again.

Thank you for reading this article. An updated version of the Aya collection Only Love Can Bring The Rain, in which this article will be added, will be downloadable soon.

May Love Reign O’er You All

Matthew Delooze

17th August 2013.

Copyright © Matthew Delooze 2013: All Rights Reserved










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